About Las Vegas Independent Business Alliance
Board of Directors

President - Andrea Gotschalk 

Vice-president - Andy Kingbury

Secretary - Christina Muńiz

Treasurer - John Goodwin 

Jane Lumsden 

Steve Leger

Meredith Britt

Marc-Paul LaRouche 

Jim Abreu
Download a PDF file of our Mission, Vision and Core Beliefs.
Las Vegas First Independent Business Alliance is a voluntary association of independently owned businesses located in or near Las Vegas, New Mexico and has been in existence since 2001, first as the Old Town Commercial Club. In 2001, OTCC was incorporated as a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation and has now evolved into the Las Vegas First Independent Business Alliance whose purpose is to help the greater Las Vegas area maintain its unique community character, provide continuing opportunities for entrepreneurs, build economic strength, and prevent the mass displacement of community-based businesses by national and international chains (from the By-laws as revised May 2009). To that end, Las Vegas First IBA sponsors and promotes events in the Las Vegas area, advertises cooperatively on behalf of members, cooperates and coordinates with other Las Vegas area community and business organizations, governmental bodies, etc., and encourages the mutual support of its members. Regular (voting) membership is open to any independently owned business or local non-profit organization operating directly or indirectly in the Las Vegas area as well as community-minded individuals.

In terms of cooperative advertising, marketing efforts, and mutual support, Las Vegas First IBA continues to promote historic Las Vegas as a destination for visitors and locals alike:

  • Las Vegas First IBA has five billboards on I-25, including a 12’ x 40’ board at Bernalillo, on the left for northbound traffic, a 10' x 30' at Storrie Lake, on the right for southbound traffic. and a 12’ x 40’ north of Exit 347, on the right for southbound traffic.
  • Las Vegas First IBA has a strong and often boisterous weekly presence Wednesday mornings on KFUN AM and FM Over the Back Fence radio program. Notices of special events at member businesses and other area happenings are discussed by those Las Vegas First IBA members brave enough to get up early and talk to the radio audience.
  • Christmas 2019 will mark the fifteenth year of our “Cross the Bridge” holiday promotion encouraging Las Vegans and residents of northeastern New Mexico to shop in Las Vegas for all their holiday gifts. In addition to advertising in/on local media, we advertise in/on media in Raton, Santa Rosa, Santa Fe, Taos and Angel Fire.

Members of Las Vegas First IBA serve or have served as volunteers on the boards of Las Vegas Main Street, the City of Las Vegas’ Lodgers’ Tax Board, Las Vegas Arts Council, the Las Vegas/San Miguel Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation, Citizens’ Committee for Historic Preservation and other area non-profits. Various public servants and city officials often attend Las Vegas First IBA meetings to discuss issues and events impacting businesses.

Please join or renew your membership and become a part of our efforts to make the Las Vegas area thrive! If you have less than 20 employees, annual dues are only $100. If you have 20 or more employees, annual dues are $200. For individuals, annual dues are $50. Non-profits pay no dues, but must grant reciprocal membership in their organization to Las Vegas First IBA. Simply send a check for the appropriate amount made out to Las Vegas First IBA, PO box 2004, LVNM 87701. We will send you a receipt marked PAID for your tax records. Your membership year will begin on the date we receive your check.