Join us today!
Business Name:
Business Phone:
Business Fax:
Business Address:
Cell Phone:
Owners Name:
Email Address:
Web Site:
Type of Business:
# of Employees:
Business Start Date:
Owner's Birthdate(dd/mm):
Dues can be paid on a quarterly basis (4 payments).  
Make checks payable to LVFIBA and mail to Las Vegas First IBA, PO Box 2004, Las Vegas, NM 87701.
Please Check One:
Please provide 30-50 words describing your business for use on the Over the Back Fence radio show.
What is a Local Independent Business?  AMIBA's recommended criteria are:
1. Private, worker, community or cooperative ownership.
2. At least 50% locally-owned (definitions of "local" will be evaluated individually by LVFIBA).
3. Decision-making authority is vested in the local owners & not subject to conditions dictated remotely.
4. The business has a limited number of outlets & limited geographic range (Evaluated individually by LVFIBA).

LVFIBA does accept membership from businesses & individuals that do not qualify under these guidelines.  These supporting members are afforded all the benefits of membership except for voting privileges.  Non-profit organizations will receive membership without paying dues as long as reciprocal membership is extended to LVFIBA.
Dues Structure for Independent Business Members, Supporting Business Members 
& Individual Supporting Members
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Please Check One:
Your LVF IBA membership includes the opportunity to promote your business or non-profit, sales and events, on our radio show.  Join us on Radio Hill any Wednesday morning from 8:30 until 10:00 am.
Your membership also includes
posting your information on this website.  Please click here for details about what and how to submit your information, logo, and image.
20+ employees $200.00 Annually
16-20 employees $175.00 Annually
Supporting Individual $50.00 Annually
11-15 employees $150.00 Annually
6-10 employees $125.00 Annually
1-5 employees $100.00 Annually
Individual Business Member
Supporting Business Member
Individual Supporting Member